While there are many ways to utilize Facebook, having a business page will make searching for your business simple and easier for someone to connect with you. Connecting with businesses are awesome and hassle-free through the messenger application.
This same messenger app can now be installed on your website to make the connection between businesses and customers easier and quicker. There are many live chat applications for websites available, but most of them charge a premium to use and are missing the biggest components –platform and reach.
Along with the ability to use Messenger to chat live with potential leads to connect, nurture, and convert to a paying customer, Facebook is continuously rolling out new features within the app such as taking payments, images, storing conversation and saving the thread directly in your Facebook account.
Having Facebook Messenger added to your website will make it easier for potential leads to interact with your business and today I’m going to show you how you can easily add the free Facebook Messenger Chat Box to your WordPress website.
By the end of this video you’ll have a successfully install plug-in on the backend of your website
and on the front end you’ll see a small messenger chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner so that potential leads can click on it to instantly connect with your business.
Watch the tutorial below or continue reading.
First of course, you’ll need to make sure that you have a published Facebook page. If you do not have a Facebook page, head over to Facebook.com to create an account and get set up.
You’ll also need to be logged into Facebook on your computer before setting up this plug-in.
Download the plug-in here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/facebook-messenger-customer-chat/
I find it easier to sometimes download the plug-in from WordPress.org rather than searching for it from the plug-in section on your website because there are so many similar plugins, I’d rather cut down on the confusion and avoid downloading the incorrect plug-in.
Save the plug-in to your computer as a Zip file, then head back over to the back end of the website and scroll down and click to add a new plugin on the admin panel.
Upload, install and activate the plugin.
There is now a new area on the admin panel for the customer chat.
Head over to Facebook to set up the plugin and click on the Facebook business page that you
would like the messenger added to.
Click on settings in the top right and then click on messenger platform.
Jump to the Customer Chat section and click on set up.
Follow the prompts to select your correct language and update your greeting message (optional) and you can also change the color of the chatbox to match your brand.
Click Next to whitelist your domain. This section is important because if your domain is not correctly added the messenger will not show up. This is giving the messenger box permission to be added the website.
Save those changes.
Click inside the code box to select and copy the code and click Finish.
Head back over to the back-end of the website and refresh the page.
Locate and click on the customer chat plug-in on the admin panel and the code will populate in the editor.
if it doesn’t automatically load for you, paste the code that you copied from Facebook into the editor and click save.
Go to the front end of the website to view the messenger and you’ll see the bubble located on the bottom right.
Now, there you have it!
When someone hits the button to chat, they’ll be able to type a message for you to receive on your Facebook page!